Thursday, November 23, 2006

New Bub on the Block

Sheena had her first day in Childcare (7.30am - 1pm). After orientation last week, I'd been feeling very apprehensive about it. I didn't sleep the best last night thinking about it - however it turned out fine. The room leader was there this week, and she was wanted to know all the details about Sheena - like her sleep routine, feeding habits, comfort needs, playtime, and all that baby stuff. She was really thorough so it made me feel secure that Sheena would be well cared for. She had previously worked in a special-needs kindergarden in England for a year, and has experience in caring for children with DS. That was very reassuring for us.

I'd written out all the stuff (to help me articulate it as much anything), and I stressed the need for Sheena to have lots of tummy time, and lots of stimulation. I was a bit worried that she'd be put to bed at every opportunity, but I don't think that happened.

She was a champ, and didn't need her do-do except for when she went to sleep. I was in shock when they told me that. I thought she'd be very whingy. She ate solids well, but only had half a bottle of formula, and a few sips of juice.

Down the track, I think we'll have to ensure that they maintain the rage with the Early Intervention. She is probably a bit of a novelity there at the moment, being the new bub on the block, but I don't want her to become part of the furniture (so to speak) in a few months time. We'll have to ensure that they stay motivated in bringing Sheena's development along. Besides all that, I think she'll benefit immensely from being with other kids.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

sounds like she had a great first day at childcare- hope it continues!