Sheena was born in January 2006, 3 weeks early. I thought my waters broke, after I felt like I'd wet myself while lying in bed. We rang the hospital and they told us to come in to make sure. This was at 10pm at night. It was confirmed, at it didn't seem real when they told us to come in the following morning to be induced. I had not had a contraction.
I went home, and managed to get a few hours of crucial sleep for the exciting day ahead. I had one twinge in the middle of the night, but it was nothing major at all.
At 9.30 we got to hospital. Still no contractions. The Dr examined me, and I was 1cm dilated. That was a good start considering I had not had a contraction to speak of.
It was at about this point that I called my mum, who had agreed to be with us for the labour. The drip was inserted to bring on labour. It was nothing major to start will. Just a bit akward with the drip and the monitors on my tummy. All through my labour I needed to go to the loo, so it was a big effort everytime, to disconnect the monitors, and make my way to the ensuite with the drip still attached. This probably happened about 40 times in the 9.5 hours of labour. I was grateful to have Mark and my mum there to help this procession.
Labour started to get nasty about 2 hours in. I couldn't manage the gas, as I was yelling too much. The pain was in my thighs more than anywhere else, and I couldn't find a comfy position. Eventually the midwife changed shift, and the new midwife was much better at suggesting positions, and providing supporting cushions. I leant over the bed kneeling on cushions.
At around 1.30 the Dr came back to examine me. I hated being examined as it meant lying on the bed, which was the worst. I was only 4cm dilated. I remember saying, "Lets talk about drugs". I couldn't take much more pain. The contractions were intense and only 1 minute apart, and lasting about 40 seconds. I was given a pethadine shot. It did not reduce the pain, but it did give me the chance to rest between contractions, and to relax enough to have gas.
My pushing stage lasted 2.5 hours. I was screaming heaps, but polite. Whenever anyone told me that I was doing a good job, I would say, "Thank you". I had read somewhere that when someone gives you a compliment, take it on, rather than discard it. I don't think it would usually apply to labour, but hey.... whatever works.
At around 7pm Friday night, the Dr was keen to head home for the weekend, so he popped in and started mentioning forceps. I started really pushing then. I had to tell the Dr to speak up, because I had gone temporarily deaf... Sheena was crowning, but was going in and out with each push. The Dr told me not to yell, so that my energy would go 100% into the pushing. It worked, and Sheena was delivered at 7.34.