Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kooky Visitors

We had a lovely visit today. Just hanging out in the living room, doing the usual - preparing some juice for Sheena, and a lovely Kookaburra arrived on our patio. It was extreamely confident, and was looking at us as if to say, "I see that you see me, and aren't I stunning". As I was running around taking about 100 photos, ANOTHER Kookaburra pirched itself alongside Kooky #1. I am sure there was nesting going on, because they kept on looking up at our eaves. A magpie flew by, and one of them chased it off so we were left with one again. The remaining one (who I think was the girl, because it had pretty blue feathers and was fluffier) then flew to a hole in one of the trees at the back of our house. It had a quick look, then sat on a nearby branch. I really hope we have a nest either on our roof, or in one of the trees. Watch this space for more wildlife updates! Koala's welcome, but no snakes allowed.


Kim Ayres said...

Fantastic photo!

Leslie said...

That is so cool! We don't have any of those here! (At least I don't think we do...) We do have alligators though! That is neat that Sheena got to see them too!

Michelle said...

what a neat photo! How cool!

The Mom said...

That's so cool! I wish we had Kooky's here :) How fun!