Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Fairy in the Garden

This morning, Sheena Pops had a Hey Dad Playgroup. Its Fathers Day tomorrow, so the Dad's had a BBQ, while the kids played outside. One of the other Dad's that go did a pre-recorded radio segment that we listened to at lunchtime today. He talked about his 2 daughters, only three and four, the younger of which has developmental delays - but with no medical diagnosis as to why. He talked about how she doesn't yet understand what Father's Day is, but that she is full of surprises - so you never know. Three seems quite young regardless. He was very complimentary of the Yooralla program - especially how they include the whole family with things like Saturday Hey Dad and various Sibling Programs.
After a nap, Sheena helped do some gardening in the front yard, and she had a great day all-up.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

sounds like a great get together for the dads!