Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Sheena has recently started to show clear signs that she understands me which is really cool. I told her to 'come mumma', and she rolled four times in a row to get to me. She doesn't do that often - she got quite pleased with herself for doing so too. At a first birthday party we went to on the weekend, I was feeding her fairy bread, and then said no more (even though there was plenty more), and immediately the bottom lip came out, and tears followed. Sheena has started to follow my pointed finger to look at things which is a big step too.
From an Infantile Spasms Yahoo Group that I read occassionally, I recently learnt that with the dual diagnosis, co-ordination in using hands can be effected. This is a bit of a relief to me in some ways, in that I have been annoyed/frustrated that we're taking so long to competently use a sippee cup. I am going to back-off somewhat, as I figure she'll be closer to getting it in a month or so, so I have decided to be satisfied in giving her water and milk in a bottle only for the time-being. IS makes all normal brain patterns completely disorganised, so normal patterns in fine and gross motor have to be completely relearnt once IS is controlled.


Christina M said...

WTG girl!

Jessica said...

Yay Sheena! Joey is starting to understand what we're saying too!

BStrong said...

Great Job. Keep it going.

Kim Ayres said...

You may well be already, but if not, it is well worth using makaton signing with Sheena for drink, food, more, etc. As she understands more, so whe will want to communicate more and Makaton signs come more easily and quite often at an earlier stage than speech.

Shelley said...

What a good girl! Yes it is sometimes hard to be patient - I feel so anxious that Hannah will do all these things - and often just when I get really frustrated and worried about it - a week or month later she just goes and does it. At the moment I am just pottering along - letting her go at her own pace - it certainly makes for a happy girl although a bit too much Curious Goerge I think.

Michelle said...

It's so wonderful when they start making that connection to what you're saying and then acting on what they are hearing!