Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Where I'd Be Without You.

Sheena had her first day at her new Early Intervention Centre. We managed to keep Sheena awake 80% of the time, even though the playgroup runs through her usual morning nap time. She did really, really well.

Here is the basic format: Free play, then music, then snack as a group around a table, then outdoor time, then story time, and then sing good-byes, and then home. I was pretty quiet, sussing it all out today. There were 4 therapists to the 5 babies, from 1-2 years. Two of the other kids also had serious epilepsy causing developmental delay, another kid also had DS, and another kid had some other chromosomal abnormality.

I have to say, that it was soooo nice to have a group of babies where Sheena was not the most delayed. They all have their various strenghs and weaknesses, but Sheena was essentially average. One of Sheena's strengths is her cuteness, not that I am bias or anything.

As it is Valentines Day tomorrow, here is Sheena with her God Only Knows Where I'd Be Without You dolly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQHXGmfMGCc


Jessica said...

Glad to see that Shenna enjoyed her new playgroup!!

Michelle said...

oh my goodness that video is too cute! Looks like she really enjoys listening/dancing to that doll!

Amy Flege said...

sounds like a great day!!!! that video is the cutest!!!!!!!

Zany Mama said...

Gorgeous! Where would we be without them, indeed!